Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Love: X Into Your Parched Sea

my love,

the depth of your awakened light devours the flesh of bone and
when i sip the light  between destinies and despair i know the roots of marrow empty me and i swim into embraces that slumber in flesh, the ice of your winter bores into me extinguishing the fires tide, chilling the sleeping earth,

and when your absents sounds as sand in wind and you become a desert, i swim the dust into false summer, and my body empties of burning blue and the glare of passions leak into the shadow of beloved.

my  love.
you claim the warm air and storms that fill your breasts, the blistering kisses from you scolds my loneliness, burns my despair and nourishes the spreading desert, a sea as full as the soul,

the naked lightning whispers the hollow of your shoulders till the cascades of thirst falls from the sky drains me to dust, and the universe falls to your thighs, and the silents of the sand consumes me, as you rhythm my fluted bones into your parched sea of salt.

Friday, December 2, 2011

My Love: XII: Till Distance Becomes Sorrow.

My love,

you do know that once the blue unfurled from my fingertips for you, and that the gaping mouth of light, lighted you, and in light and dark, in sea and earth, the flowers  of your eyes captured the sun and spun the air to webs and vines to bind me.

as the earth trembled you moved and your gravity enthralled trees and stone, and you gave order to the universe, and i revolved in your sway touching all sides of you and my celestial dreams filled the shadows and i pored the darkness into your open mouth, and then i delved into you, penetrating deep in to the secret and hidden, until my shadow dissolved in the opening you once granted me.

and the stars and precious veins of the earth relinquish the ebb and flow that defines you,
and i move through your flickering of light and dark, and i am trapped by the gravity of your motion, and in the void i am speechless,

my love. as the spheres sing out there fate and you are the universe, i linger in you, held by your tides and tug , imprisoned by your flowing blood, and i despair.

all i can do is flow with the your ebbs and currents, travel with your pull and attraction till distance becomes sorrow and i am released.